Library Dissertation Showcase

A systematic literature review on the influence of congruence in sports sponsorship marketing

  • Year of Publication:
  • 2023

Over the last two decades, research into sponsorship marketing has grown exponentially, due to the expanding popularity of its use, especially regarding the optimisation of this marketing tool for the improvement of consequential outcomes. However, there has been a lack of focus on the study of individual influential factors affecting these outcomes, such as regarding the level of congruence between the sports entity and sponsoring brand.

The principle of congruity has been widespread across psychological research, but its relative absence in marketing literature has prompted this systematic literature review concerning literature from the past five years. The Tripartite Model was adopted for this review to clarify arguments and findings.

This dissertation aimed to investigate the influence of congruence on sport sponsorship outcomes by comprehending and synthesising existing approaches and findings for the benefit of future research in the field. A summary of the discussed findings was presented through the consideration of four potential avenues for future research: Purchase behaviours; Capturing attention; Incidence vs alteration, and; Brand healing.

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