Library Dissertation Showcase

The dissertation showcase is managed and maintained by the University of Lincoln Library. Please see the About page for more information.

Year of Publication: 2023

Euroscepticism in Germany and Italy: a comparative study

  • Author:
  • James Goodfellow
  • Subjects:
  • International Relations
  • Politics
  • Year of Publication:
  • 2023
  • Award:
  • BA (Hons) Politics and International Relations

Just how civic are we? An empirical analysis of the ethnic-civic nationalism framework in explaining identity boundary conceptions in the formation of national identity and ingroup collective belonging in the United Kingdom

  • Author:
  • Cameron Bassett
  • Subjects:
  • Politics
  • Social Policy
  • Year of Publication:
  • 2023
  • Award:
  • BA (Hons) Politics and Social Policy

A condition survey of the archive at Alford Manor House

  • Author:
  • Wesley Leak
  • Subject:
  • Conservation
  • Year of Publication:
  • 2023
  • Award:
  • BA (Hons) Conservation of Cultural Heritage