Library Dissertation Showcase

Impact of age, sex, parental engagement and socio-economic status on children’s word comprehension and production

  • Year of Publication:
  • 2024

Language is a key part of human development, required for social interactions, education and employability. As such understanding factors that can impact successful language development is crucial, such factors include age, sex, socio-economic status (SES) and parental engagement. Our study examines effects of age, sex, and covariables low parental income, parental education attainment (SES), frequency of child-parent play, parental attitude towards play and digital media use (parental engagement) on word comprehension and production. A cohort of n=30 parents with n=15 (boys n=7, of girls n= 8) aged 11-13 months and n=15 parents (boys n = 8, of girls n= 7) aged 17-19 months, were recruited in person or online. A questionnaire enveloping the UKCDI-WG-F and Parent Play Questionnaire were completed by all participants, scores were analysed using SPSS. Results found age to be a significant factor on production and comprehension scores in both age groups. However, sex, and the covariables: low parental income, parental education attainment, frequency of child-parent play, parental attitude towards play and digital media use were not statistically significant factors. Our cohorts word comprehension and production scores were compared to pre-Covid-19 norms and were found to be in line with them.

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