Library Dissertation Showcase

Creative writing final major project – eat poop, shit rice

  • Year of Publication:
  • 2023

A collection of visual, performance and sound poetry which explores childhood, integration, and trauma through a surrealist lens.

Watch ‘Eat Poop, Shit Rice’ on YouTube – Eat Poop, Shit Rice is a mixed-media, interactive project which focuses on tactility and its relationship with childhood and sensory play. Chiu exploits the unpredictability of the subconscious to juxtapose surprising and uncomfortable images. Kidcore and Cynical Realism aesthetics shape Chiu’s work; he distorts gaudy symbols of early life to expose darker themes beneath whimsical exteriors. In turn, he visualises concepts of existing between youth and adulthood. Familiar childhood locations, such as family homes and swimming pools, are altered with incongruous substances – such as syrup and animal intestines– to create landscapes which examine notions about nostalgia and melancholy.

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