Library Dissertation Showcase

Does metre have an effect on entrainment?

  • Year of Publication:
  • 2023

The research question is ‘Does metre have an effect on entrainment?’ This dissertation is hoping to address whether it firstly will have an impact, secondly, in what way it will have an effect, and finally whether there are any other contributing factors such as tempo and genre. This will be researched this b undertaking a study where music will be played to a group of people and will be observing what happens. A watch that will be measuring the heart rate of participants during the time will be used. And observation will also be taking place to see how quickly they begin to move, if they do, and to ascertain which music they prefer and how quickly they can find the beat. Previous studies have also been looked at the that have already been completed within the Oxford Handbook of Psychology. In these studies there are a few factors that have been discussed such as the space used and whether the participant has been to the room and is familiar with it. They have also discussed whether their participants are in small groups or whether they are by themselves. Entrainment has been spoken about within the Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology; however, the idea of metre was not discussed in detail hence why this dissertation will further explore it more. A conclusion at the start of the process is that metre will have an influence on entrainment as within some music, it can be really hard to find a beat due to a difficult metre.

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