The focus of this research is to explore the impacts of terrorism upon perceived safety of indirect victims whose association to the risk of terrorism is through their work environment and experience with crisis management prevention and protection strategies. This research investigates UK airports terrorism crisis management strategies and evaluates its impacts on airport workers. Such study is important as it hopes to identify unseen risks and implications to airport workers as a result of attempting to successfully manage the threat of terrorism. These risks and implications may negatively affect airport workers wellbeing, therefore the findings present a contemporary evaluation on how to improve the crisis management of terrorism from an airport workers perspective.
The research approach adopted in a mixed methodology approach, utilising both an online questionnaire and face to face interviews. This dissertation was carried out between the 1st May 2019 and 19th September 2019. The findings from this research provide evidence that UK airports crisis management strategies hinder airports worker’s ability to conduct their job roles. However, this is understood at an opportunity cost of increasing perceived safety. From this it was found that currently within todays security climate the crisis management strategies employed do not impact airport workers wellbeing but instead suggests that any increase in the future, as expected, will result in negative psychological implications regarding airport workers and perceived safety.
This dissertation recommends that further research is taken at a later date when security and policy measures increase or within a country of which airport security and policy is stricter than the UK’s to understand if this predicted relationship can be accepted.
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